Why there's Chinese predicting that USA must run down? [That how the honest and/or orderly Military thinking tank missed that critical point to see that you have no way to have your sucking white trash female dressed ani 房屋買賣mal to respect God order to stay at her own place, not mention to have anyone of them to respect your man made form, system, rule of law, n 酒肉朋友ot mention common law, not mention moral value, professional ethics; but kill them all.] (20110519 下5 關鍵時刻 - 美國在台灣設置雷達預警系統 http://tw.myblog.yah 買屋網oo.com/levelone777/article?mid=1751&prev=1753&next=1750&l=a&fid=1) Because English gentleman cannot see the deepest point that evil Chinese man can see that you have no right to ban 澎湖民宿any less good from doing any thing that good can do. That how before white trash invading China, Chinese not ever had any thing to do with election lie. That how "Yuan.10.Kite" trying to correct that "elec 土地買賣tion lie" with real money buy, so that every one who wants to work must have to buy, the one who can collect most money can get that job, to make sure only the real most popular or the strongest rebel can become that highest ran 酒店兼職ked available public servant authority job. The down sight is "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" too suck to deserve that best mankind's hot (Even naive "5.Her.Zhi.Zhong" does not deserve that best mankind's hot, not mention those sucking shameless brainless 西服 immoral selfish cold cold hard female [Female is "Inn.Sin"-"Sway.Sin", solid together must be most toxic cold cold hard] dressed animals gang or gain.) , that how "Wen.Ten.Sean" rather die than lie. That how our True God rather rest than guard. Lie must be really lifel 個人信貸ess, that how you need to move your Republic of China head quarter to Hong Kong, and have only man who born in Taiwan can speak read write both Chinese and English above average to move into Hong Kong to keep that form of election lie, and balanced with China Communist stationed force there t 膠原蛋白o keep that form of lie to deal with any USA remaining lie. So that both Taiwan and Mainland China all cared by mankind Communist to make sure all Chinese life must have nothing to do with USA lie. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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